Beautiful Tea Box
This is the version that is not engraved with anything on the top.
This box features our unique Multikeep system, allowing you to place walls inside of it virtually anywhere you choose. This makes it a versatile box for storing gifts, keepsakes, or odds and ends! The delightful honey color of Bamboo is produced entirely naturally, without the use of stain or paint.
- R E N E W A B L E -
A special heating process caramelizes the sugars in the bamboo to give those characteristic tones that enhance the wood, giving that variety of shades we know and love about this product. Furthermore you need have no qualms about the depletion of our precious rain-forests! Bamboo is fast-growing, naturally replenishing grass and is one of the worlds most renewable resources. And it's tough as any hardwood too!
- D I M E N S I O N S -
12-3/8-inch wide by 7-3/8 inch deep by 3-2/5-inch tall.
- C A R E -
Wipe clean with mild soap and water and dry thoroughly; rub occasionally with mineral oil to maintain optimum appearance.
Being made from natural bamboo and engraved individually, all our organization boxes are unique. Please be aware that the box you receive and the tone of the engraving may vary from the pictures on our site.